Awesome Eco-Friendly Replacement for Zip Locks

While I try to keep my disposable-item usage to a minimum as much as possible (tupperware and lunchbox for lunches & snacks), I recently found myself reaching for zip lock bags more than I’d like to.

I realized they’d appear when I needed a few snacks on the go and had nothing to put them all together in (how else to group an apple, rice cake, string cheese, and granola bar all together, then put that in your bag?)

Enter ChicoBag bags. They are the perfect size for a bunch of snacks, or single snacks like nuts, sandwiches, etc. I bought three, then promptly re-ordered three more.  I’ve even found myself using them for stuff like legos and matchbox cars! And the best part, they fold & close to different sizes depending on what you have inside.  Seriously, one of the best products I’ve found in a while…

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